September 17, 2024

Asian Buggy C/ships Season Finale track build – Indonesia

With the 2024 Asian Buggy Championships set to conclude in just under 2-weeks time (26-29 September) in Indonesia, the track build that will play host to the fourth & final round of the Championship has been revealed.  The first time the Asian Buggy Championship travels to Indonesia, the country hosting the 2006 IFMAR World Championship where Mark Pavidis took the title, West Side Raceway in Jakarta has created a technical jump filled track for the occasion.  Responsible for the Philippine Masters track build, the event hosting the second round of the ABC back in April, Edward Sio visited West Side Raceway prior to the season finale to check out the track.  Summing up the build, Sio said, ‘The track is smooth and technical with lots of jumps. Traction is low to medium.  The whole facility is top-notch, including the big driver’s area with 65-inch monitor on both ends to keep track of timing and scoring.  The challenge for the driver comes from the depth of the track, and the fact there is are no straight jumps and lines.  I think the only straight line is the straight-away.  Overall, it’s a super fun track once you get the flow.’  Red RC is excited to be making the trip to Jakarta to cover the conclusion of the second season of the Asian Buggy Championships with Scotty Ernst already well underway with plans for the 2025 Championship.

Source: Asian Buggy Championships [Facebook]


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